EAC Certificate

EAC Certificate

Certificate of conformity according to the technical regulations of the Customs Union is a legal document that confirms compliance of goods with standards and requirements which were committed in the corresponding technical regulations. The list of goods which fall within the scope of the regulation is attached to each of these normative documents.

The goods, for which a Certificate of conformity with the requirements of the Customs Union was issued, can be imported to the market of all states that belong to the Union. At the customs border crossing of this States national documents which confirm the quality of these goods are not required and additional fees are not collected.

Elaboration procedure of the Certificate TR CU

Each technical regulation contains requirements for qualitative characteristics of the products, the conditions of control of them by government services, obligations and rights of the owner of the document, the procedure for the issuance of certifying documents and certification scheme.

Each scheme has its subtleties, but in general, the issuance of Certificates TR CU is performed in the following ways:

- Request to an accredited certification authority,
- Delivery of the necessary documentation,
- Expertise implementation in an accredited laboratory,
- Logging the results obtained,
- Decision on the issuance of the document on the basis of information from the test protocol,
-Issuance of the Certificate TR CU to the applicant

The recipient of the document is obliged to deliver required documentation to a certification authority, as well as to mark the products, which quality has been confirmed, with an EAC trade mark. The accredited certification authority that has issued the Certificate TR CU shall carry out an inspection of products. The frequency of inspection is committed by the legislation: once a year. Please use our contact form to order the issuance of EAC Certificate or our online chat to ask for advice by PROFCERT specialist!

EAC Declaration

EAC Declaration

After the signing of agreement on the creation of a single economic area between Kazakhstan, Russian Federation and Belarus in 2006, framework of quality confirmation on many types of products has changed.

Regulatory acts (technical regulations) have been elaborated, which have legal effect on the territory of member states and containing the requirements for certain product types.

For the goods subject to the technical regulations, the documents certifying their safety and quality must be issued. This could be a Declaration or a Certificate of the Customs Union.

EAC Declaration and its particularities

Die Deklarierung des TR der Zollunion gilt nicht als ein Verwaltungsakt zur Regulierung des Warenumsatzes. Sie sollte nicht als eine zusätzliche Barriere angesehen werden, die die Einführung von Produkten auf den Markt erschwert. Das Dokument wurde zum Schutz des Endverbrauchers vor minderwertigen und gefährlichen Waren entwickelt, deshalb muss das Importunternehmen an der Deklarierung interessiert sein. Die Ausfertigung der Deklarierung über die Übereinstimmung der Zollunion hat einen Zusatznutzen (neben dem sichtbaren Zusatznutzen: dem ruhigen Passieren von Zollgrenzen).

Declaration TR CU isn’t in force as an administrative act for the regulation of the trade. It should not be regarded as an additional barrier, which complicates the import of products onto the market. The document has been developed for the protection of the consumer before inferior quality and dangerous goods, the import company therefore must be interested in it. Elaboration of the Declaration of conformity of the Customs Union has an additional benefit (besides the quiet passing of customs borders).

So a commodity for which a declaration was issued, receives a special mark, which already became in the eyes of the consumer to the quality and safety symbol. This simplifies the distribution of products and contributes to the increase of loyalty of customers respective the importing company.

Requirements for completing a Declaration TR CU

The Declaration of the TR to has no specific template, and will be filled on a standard A4 sheet of paper, and can be issued with a validity period of at least 1 year. For issuance of a Declaration TR CU is necessary to prepare the following documentation:

- Detailed description of products imported to Russia (technical passport, users manual and others);
- Foundation documents of the applicant (copies of the articles of Association of the company, individual number of the taxpayer (INN), state capital registration number (OGRN), extract from the unified State Register of legal persons and others);
- In some cases, CA may request the documents certifying product safety (for example, ISO certificate).

Please use our contact form to order the issuance of EAC Declaration or our online chat to ask for advice by PROFCERT specialist!

State registration of goods

State registration of goods

The State registration of goods is carried out with the aim of manufacturing or delivery only safe goods for the health of consumers on the territory of the EAC States. The State registration of the Customs Union is considered to be an obligatory procedure for products, whose usage and consumption implies personal body contact.

The certificate of the State registration of goods, which has replaced a previously applicable on the territory of Russia Hygiene certificate (01.07.2010) constitutes confirmation of this procedure. The timeline for issuing the certificate of the State registration of goods depends on the type of products to be certified. For most product types registration period is about four weeks.

Products subject to the State registration

Products, subject to the elaboration of certificate of the State registration are included in the list, which has been approved by the decision of the Committee of the Customs Union by May 28, 2010.

This list includes the following products:

- body hygiene products
- household chemistry, chemical products for businesses and companies, chemical products
- special products (for people)
- clothes for children, products for children
- cosmetics
- disinfectant and raticide
- drinks
- food for children and adults

Please use our contact form to order the issuance of Certificate of the State registration of goods or our online chat to ask for advice by PROFCERT specialist!

GOST R Certificate

GOST R Certificate

A certificate of compliance with GOST R is a document that certifies the quality of products with the elaborated requirements of GOST standards in accordance with the regulation of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 982 by December 1, 2009.

A GOST R certificate is issued after conducting mandatory examinations and tests on a template in the specified form. The issuance of GOST R compliance certificate is required by the customs (in case the product is a subject to certification) as well as for production and distribution in Russia.

Not all product groups must receive the obligatory GOST R compliance certificate. The lists of products subject to certification are legally approved. For example, these are the high-voltage cable, and the high-voltage equipment.

How to get the Russian certificate of conformity GOST R?

A list of documents which are necessary for the issuance of the GOST R certificate may differ depending on the manufacturing country, product group and the scheme of certification. Most often, an applicant uses one of the following schemes:

- The issuance of the ROSTEST certificate for a shipment. The applicant must deliver detailed technical information of importing products, foreign trade contract and a copy of the invoice with indication of the scope of delivery.
- The issuing of the certificate for a serial production according to the foreign trade contract with the foreign partner. The number of the contract is indicated in the certificate. In this case, the GOST R certificate can be used to import unlimited quantities of certified products in the validity period of the contract.
- The issuance of the GOST R certificate for the products manufactured in Russia. The certificate shall be entitled to the production of a specific group of goods with indication of technical norms or of the GOST, according to which the product is manufactured.

Please use our contact form to order the issuance of GOST R Certificate or ask for advice by PROFCERT specialist via online chat!

GOST R Declaration

GOST R Declaration

The Declaration of compliance with GOST R confirms compliance of diverse products with the regulated norms. Currently declaration and certification procedures have the same legal force in Russia. These are contradictory procedures: if a mandatory declaration of conformity is necessary for a specific group of goods, a certificate for this product group is not necessary.

The Declaration of compliance with GOST R has no fixed form and is printed on a regular A4 page with signatures and stamp of the company. One more distinctive feature of the declaration: it cannot be issued on a foreign manufacturer, a company registered in the Russian Federation has to apply for GOST R.

Die Deklarierung über die Übereinstimmung mit der Ware wird nach Durchführung von Expertisen ausgestellt, die die Übereinstimmung von Produkten mit den erforderlichen Parametern bestätigen. Jede Erklärung hat ihre einmalige Nummer, die in das Register der russischen Akkreditierungsstelle eingetragen werden muss.

Declaration is issued after accomplishment of test reports confirming the compliance of products with the necessary norms. Each declaration has its unique number that must be entered in the register of the Russian Agency of accreditation.

The validity period of the Declaration of conformity is at least 1 year.

Elaboration of the Declaration GOST R

For issuance of a GOST R Declaration it is necessary for the applicant to prepare the following documentation:

- Detailed description of products imported to Russia (technical passport, users manual and others);
- Foundation documents of the applicant (copies of the articles of Association of the company, individual number of the taxpayer (INN), state capital registration number (OGRN), extract from the unified State Register of legal persons and others);
- In some cases, CA may request the documents certifying product safety (for example, ISO certificate).

Please use our contact form to order the issuance of EAC Declaration or our online chat to ask for advice by PROFCERT specialist!

GOST R Voluntary

GOST R Voluntary

Voluntary certification is the procedure called where an applicant (manufacturer or distributor of goods and services in Russia) will have an opportunity to confirm the quality of products according the norms he requests. The voluntary compliance certificate is issued on a specified form. The maximum validity period is up to 3 years.

In contrast to the obligatory certification, which is performed in accordance with the criteria and norms that are set by the technical regulations, voluntary certification is carried out according to the parameters, interesting for the manufacturer or end user. Thus it is useful to receive in addition to the obligatory certificate also the voluntary certificate of compliance.

Benefits of the voluntary certificate

After the introduction of the obligatory certification system, an additional elaboration of a voluntary compliance certificate is a vague idea for most manufacturers, because they do not understand the advantages of this document.

The important advantage of the voluntary GOST R certificate is the increase of the competitiveness of products due to increase of the loyalty of the consumers. Also it allows the company to participate in the tenders and join the self-regulating organizations.

Please use our contact form to order the issuance of GOST R Voluntary certificate or ask for advice by PROFCERT specialist via online chat!